Clarence DeYong - Knifemaker

Black Walnut & Stag
The base is black walnut burl with whitetail antler posts. The base is 11.5" x 2". The distance between posts is 7".

Black Walnut & Stag
The base is black walnut burl with whitetail antler posts. The base is 9" x 2.25". The distance between posts is 5.5".

White Ash and Stag
The base is white ash with whitetail antler posts. The base is 8.5" x 2.5". The distance between posts is 5.5".

Sappelle and Stag
The base is sappelle wood burl with whitetail antler posts. The base is 8.5" x 2.25". The distance between posts is 4.5".

Red Cedar and Stag
The base is red cedar burl with whitetail antler posts. The base is 7" x 2.5". The distance between posts is 4.75". This is best with a smaller knife.

Red Cedar and Stag
The base is red cedar burl with whitetail antler posts. The base is 6.5" x 2.5". The distance between posts is 3.5". This is best with a smaller knife.

White Ash and Stag
The base is white ash with whitetail antler posts. The base is 13.75" x 2.5". The distance between posts is 9". This stand is designed for a large knife over 10" long.

Black Walnut & Stag
The base is black walnut burl with whitetail antler posts. The base is 9" x 2". The distance between posts is 6". This stand will work with a medium to large knife.

Black Walnut & Stag
The base is black walnut burl with whitetail antler posts. The base is 9" x 2". The distance between posts is 6". This stand will work with a medium to large knife.